Yun Taewoong is a designer, engineer, and innovator. He has a passion for robotics, AI, and valuable design. His favour design approach is try & error through prototyping. He had many projects related to mechanism design or structural design. With 3D modelling, CAE(Computer Aided Engineering), he tries to find reasonable solutions in different situations. Also, he loves creative and innovative perspective, so he enjoys putting various change and inspiration in projects.

 Yun has been exploring various technology with design & business point. He believes that products and systems have to be reasonable and valuable. This belief let him explore more in different ways and let him find a way to change a world better place.

2020 Logitech X RCA, Grand Challenge Human being & Being Human (1st prize)
2017 GM, PACE Personal Urban Mobility Access, Product Engineering Award (2nd place)

2017 KLIO design, internship (2months)
2016 PMRC(Personal Mobility Research Center), student researcher (1 year)

Imperial College London, Innovation Design Engineering(MsC), 2019-2021
Royal College of Art, Innovation Design Engineering(MA), 2019-2021
Hongik University, Mechanical & System Design Enigneering(BA), 2012-2018

 Copy rights © Yun Taewoong